
Näppäri Course

The Näppäri Folk Music Course is aimed primarily at string instrument players, as well as harmonica (accordion), guitar, and bass players. Other instrumentalists who have mastered the basics of their instruments are also welcome. Instruction takes place in groups, so a minimum requirement is a basic understanding of your own instrument. Wind instruments form the wind section of the course. There is no age limit for the course; participants of all ages (adults, youth, and children) and skill levels are welcome. The repertoire includes folk music from both Finland and abroad, approached with a relaxed attitude. The joy of playing and singing together is also conveyed to the audience in the Folk Music Concert that concludes the course.

A limited number of harmonicas can be provided on-site, with a rental fee of €25 for harmonica players.

Participants who have learned the repertoire in this course have the opportunity to participate in performances with Näppärit at the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival. Separate registration is required for joint rehearsals and performances (July 8-10).

Children cannot be accommodated in Sommelo’s school accommodation without parental supervision. Accommodation is self-organized; it is not a supervised camp.

Download timetable for Näppäri Course here


Huom! Näppärikurssin sisaralennuksen (-50€) toteutuslinkki saapuu sähköpostiin ilmoittautumisen jälkeen.


Course information

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Participant information